Developed by Mainstream Development Educational Group (Mainstream), SkillSet is a research-based instructional system that provides schools, parents, and students with a tool kit and training modules to close the learning gaps that impede student success. SkillSet is a comprehensive approach to supporting schools that includes student-directed services and interventions, teacher-directed coaching and support, and administration-directed support for school-wide change planning and implementation. SkillSet is designed to impact the learning outcomes of urban students.
- SkillSet c
reates a partnership between Mainstream and schools to remove the barriers that impede productive teaching and learning.
- SkillSet delivers high-quality academic support services to students, supports parents as active partners in their children’s education, and supports classroom teachers in developing the practices and methods necessary to support learning most effectively.
- SkillSet provides a modular approach to education that adapts to the unique educational platforms of individual students and schools.
- SkillSet begins with a comprehensive assessment, which forms the foundation for the development of an individualized plan for progress for students, parents, and teachers alike.
- SkillSet utilizes curricula that are evidence-based, proven, and aligned to standards in reading, writing, and math.
SkillSet positions the entire learning community – from administration and school leaders to teachers, students, and parents – to be “at the ready” to create an effective environment for academic excellence.
Download the SkillSet Data Evidence factsheet (pdf format for Adobe Acrobat Reader)