I Can

girl at chalk boardThe I Can program targets students in grades 3-12. It facilitates key learning and non-cognitive skills development – such as goal-setting, persistence, and time management – to promote college and career readiness.

Young people are assigned to small groups, and an educator versed in effective pedagogy and trained in the non-cognitive elements engages youth in a coaching relationship that facilitates their success. Key areas of focus include the following:

  • Study Skills
  • Self-Awareness
  • Drop out Prevention
  • Parental Services and Strategies

One of the first activities that students complete is a suite of self-assessments to understand their individual learning and thinking styles. From those assessments, each student is coached through the creation of a Personal Development Plan that identifies goals and potential barriers. The educator then assists students in establishing support systems that will enable them to achieve their dreams.

Download the I Can Program Description factsheet (pdf format for Adobe Acrobat Reader)