Parent Engagement

father with kidsQuality parent engagement is a crucial part of the home-school partnership. Research shows that students’ attitudes towards learning improve when parents are engaged. When schools, families, and external partners all collaborate, students demonstrate more interest in school, engage longer in classroom instruction activities, and improve academic performance.

Mainstream provides parents with the effective tools they need to help students at home. Each school year begins with clearly defined goals to involve parents in the program and to provide services that cater to the particular needs of the families in the program. This requires a collaborative approach between the parents and the schools as a way to encourage participation.

Discussions with parents, school teachers, and school administrators shape the following activities:

  • Parent Training Modules on such topics as Partnerships with Teachers to Enhance Performance, Planning for Summer Education Programs, and My Child’s Learning Style
  • Parent and Student Literacy Space at Mainstream’s office or the school, supplied with books and materials related to the training modules and serving as a site for meetings and small-group training sessions
  • Parent Connection Bulletin published monthly to keep families abreast of ongoing news, events, and tips to use at home
  • Teacher Notes and Progress Reports providing updates on tests scores, grades, attendance, and behavior so that parents may understand their children’s needs and celebrate their children’s achievements
  • Parent Conferences that enable teachers and parents to set attainable academic and personal goals for students and ensure that students have consistent school and home support

All of these activities are designed to foster communication and mutual support between the school and home.

Read more about student success.

Meeting Parents’ Needs

Mainstream understands that many families are headed by single and/or working parents. To maximize parental participation, Mainstream fully considers and accommodates the extensive demands that are placed on family time.